Parent Information



We require that all children attend a minimum of 2 days a week to help support their transition and settling into the nursery environment.

We do not offer term time only places

Daily Fees

5 months to 2 years.         -   £101.20  


2 years old to 3 years old -  £94.88  Daily Rate


3 years old onwards          -  £92.35 Daily Rate

(Before 15/30 hour government funding)

To use the 30 hour funding you would need to do a minimum of 3 days.


Monthly Fees

To ensure a space is secured for your child, a non-refundable administration fee of £100 is to be paid along with a deposit of 2 weeks worth of fees. Deposit is to be paid in BACS and NOT in childcare vouchers.

The 50 weeks of fees are averaged out over 12 months so that it is a set monthly fee. Fees are payable in advance. Invoices will be issued on 15th of the month prior to what you are paying for.  These invoices are to be be paid by the 22nd of each month. 

Meals- Care Catering

We use a company called Care Catering which are specialists in providing food for childcare care establishments. They prepare meals which are fresh, tasty, healthy and nutritionally balanced. It is delivered hot and ready to serve to the children. Some of their key points are :

  • All their meat is always locally and UK sourced where ever possible.
  • All there soups, stocks and sauces are made from scratch- never packet mix
  • They have a 5 star rating from environmental Health
  • Never use mechanically recovered meats, reformed meats, offal or fried food.

If your child has any allergies or dietary requirements they cater for yours needs. They even try to make their food look and taste as much like the other children’s food as possible so that your child doesn’t feel left out.

Days Per Week

0-2 Years

2-3 Years

3+ Years


















8AM-9AM: Welcome children, breakfast is served until 8.45am

9AM-9.15AM: Circle Time, Singing the welcome song and nursery rhymes of the childrens choice.

9.15AM- 11.15AM: Free flow play indoor and outdoors.

Planned learning activities for individuals or small groups.

10AM: Fruit snack provided with water or milk to children.

Nappies are changed after snack.

11.15AM- 11.30AM: Tidying up, washing hands, songs/story time prior to lunch

11.45AM-12.30PM: Lunch is served for the children.

12.30PM-2PM: Sleep Time for children who wish to sleep.

2PM- 2.15PM: Afternoon Snack drinks provided after the children have had a nap. Water or milk. Nappies are changed around this time.

2.15PM-3PM: Free flow play indoor and outdoors.

Planned learning activities for individuals or small groups.

3PM-3.15PM: Tidying up, washing hands, songs/story time prior to afternoon tea

3.45PM-4.30PM: Afternoon tea is served for children.

4PM- 5PM: Free flow play indoor and outdoors. Planned learning activities for individuals or small groups. Nappies are changed around this time.

5PM-5.55PM: Children are collected by their parents, handover given.

6PM: Nursery closes