Our Rooms

Our Rooms



24 months- 36 Months

Our toddler room has access to a wide range of resources and provide direct access to low level toilets. This aids toilet training and gives children the extra independence they crave at that age.


The day is full of creative and messy activities, construction,

role-play, mark making and physical play.


A quiet area is provided with sleep mats for the children to have a nap after lunch.


All children will be assigned a Key Person who will be your main point of contact at the nursery.  They will work closely with you to discover information about your child to personalise their care within our nursery.

All our children will experience a play based curriculum of planned, independent and adult led activities.  These experiences may take place indoors and outdoors 

Your child will have a learning journal which will include photo updates of activites your child has done. They will be linked to the EYFS so you will be able to see your childs progress.

This is all done via the Blossom app- allowing updates and communications between parents and practitioners. The daily diary goes out before the end of the nursery day.



OUR baby room

5 months- 24 Months

Our Robins room caters for children aged 5 months to around 24 months and is dedicated to meet the needs of your child.

At our nursery we understand the importance of your child's wellbeing and will follow the individual routines you have at home.

Through the constant care and support from our qualified staff, we have created an atmosphere which allows babies to develop and progress at their own pace and grow in confidence.



Your child will progress into preschool around their third birthday. Here activities are further extended to develop the seven areas of learning from the Early Years Foundation Stage which is designed to prepare your child for school. Imaginative play is encouraged in the home corner and dressing up area.

We have plenty of books in all rooms, and communication, language and literacy are promoted on a daily basis.

Sparrows children are encouraged with independence by self registration, helping with cutting up their own snacks and setting the table ready for meal times.